Holding company in Cyprus

Holding company in Cyprus

A holding company in Cyprus offers a multitude of benefits, making it an appealing choice for businesses looking to optimize their corporate structure and financial strategies. From its favorable tax regime to its membership in the European Union (EU) and robust legal framework, Cyprus provides an ideal backdrop for companies…
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Purchase a Property in Cyprus

Purchase a Property in Cyprus

Buying a property in Cyprus – what steps should you follow? Until 2004 when Cyprus became an European Union member state, restrictions on real estate property purchases were enabled for foreigners. These restrictions mostly referred to the size of the land plot allowed to be owned by foreign investors. However,…
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General Partnerships in Cyprus

General Partnerships in Cyprus

There are several ways through which one can start a business in Cyprus in terms of legal forms to use. One of them is the general partnership. This is a non-corporate entity that can be created by Cypriots and foreigners, and which requires at least two members. Below, our lawyers…
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Start a Franchise Business in Cyprus

Start a Franchise Business in Cyprus

When starting a franchise business in Cyprus, companies intend to improve and extend their distribution of a product or service. The franchisor is the owner of the product or the service provider, while the franchisee sells this product or service to the designated market. In this article, our lawyers in Cyprus explain different aspects related to opening a franchise…
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