The General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR – was announced two years ago by the European Parliament, and the final version became mandatory starting with May 2018. As an EU member, but also as a country which has numerous companies handling sensitive information of individuals, Cyprus is directly interested in applying the new regulations related to the enhanced protection of personal information.
Below, our lawyers in Cyprus explain how the GDPR affects businesses in this country and the requirements to comply with when collecting personal information.
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The GDPR and the Cyprus Data Protection Law
Cyprus already has its national Data Protection Act which covers the secrecy related to personal information, however, the new General Data Protection Regulation brings additional changes and imposes new regulations related to the consent given by individuals whose data is collected and the storage and handling of such data.
The GDPR addresses all companies, including Cyprus traditional and online companies, gathering, storing and sharing information collected from their clients.
What does the GDPR contain?
Cyprus companies need to know the following key provisions of the GDPR:
- EU citizens and residents now have more rights related to the collection and storage of their personal information;
- companies failing to comply with the new regulations are liable to pay fines;
- all companies processing or collecting data need to obtain the consent of those submitting the respective information;
- Cyprus companies must allow individuals who have submitted personal information to be removed from their database;
- companies must appoint a Data Protection Officer in the company or hire a person for this task.
Our law firm in Cyprus can help local companies seeking to become GDPR compliant by helping them with the implementation of the new regulations. We can also help in other civil matters, such as marriage.
The number of foreigners registering their marriages in Cyprus is on the grow. The weather, the beautiful landscapes and the simple procedure contribute to a pleasant experience. However, to pe practical, it is good to get acquainted with what the law has to say about this procedure from our local lawyers.
How to comply with the GDPR in Cyprus?
Cyprus companies can become GDPR compliant by drafting new consent agreements and by informing their clients with respect to their rights in accordance with the new law. They can also improve their data collection methods and become more transparent in this sense.
For full information on the GDPR in Cyprus, please contact our local law firm.